Bad Marriage? - Signs of A Bad Marriage

by Lacey Wills

Did your once happy relationship turn into a bad marriage? Sometimes it's hard for us to see what's going on in our marriage. We can spot what's wrong in other people's relationships easily enough, but turn a blind eye to what's going on in our own. What are the signs of a bad marriage? What can we do to turn a bad marriage around?

Signs of A Bad Marriage

· You rarely talk anymore. This is one of the first warning signs of a bad marriage. Lack of communication between you and your spouse will tear down a relationship in a short amount of time.

· Something or someone else takes priority. If you or your spouse put the job, the kids, household chores, etc ahead of the relationship between the two of you, it is a sign that the relationship is breaking down. To avoid having a bad marriage, your relationship must come first for both of you.

· You do most things separately, instead of together. Nothing says 'bad marriage' quite like the fact that you spend virtually no time together. I'm not saying you can't have hobbies or interests that your partner doesn't share. It's just not good to spend the majority of your time apart. Developing a common interest would be a good move, or maybe you could cultivate an interest in something your partner likes to do?

· One or both of you is selfish. This is a definite warning of a bad marriage. Let's face it, when you really love someone, you want them to have their needs met. You will tend to put their desires ahead of your own. When the focus is on your own needs, you aren't going to fulfill your partner.

· Is the 'thrill' gone? Lack of intimacy can make for a bad marriage. There are sometimes physical or health reasons that prevent sex, but maintaining intimacy is still possible if you work at it. If your sex life has just dried up for no known reason, you will need to work on rekindling the romantic spark the two of you had.

Marriage is a huge commitment that is meant to last a lifetime. Even if you think you have a bad marriage, the chances are good that you can fix it with a little work. People in a bad marriage turn things around every day and you can, too.

About the Author
Is your relationship in trouble? Get the help you need NOW, before it's too late! Already broken up? Want him/her back? Learn exactly what you need to do and when to do it to save your relationship. Fix My Bad Marriage

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